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Read This: This Old Man

Image courtesy of Instagram user @barskey

Image courtesy of Instagram user @barskey

A regular report of the Web's best articles, blog posts, funnies, and farrago: Read This.

This Old Man: Life in the Nineties

In which an aging writer relays the inevitable sorrow, the continued need for sensuality, and the (mostly) happy surprises of growing old:

"More venery. More love; more closeness; more sex and romance. Bring it back, no matter what, no matter how old we are. This fervent cry of ours has been certified by Simone de Beauvoir and Alice Munro and Laurence Olivier and any number of remarried or recoupled ancient classmates of ours. Laurence Olivier? I’m thinking of what he says somewhere in an interview: 'Inside, we’re all seventeen, with red lips.'"

Read the rest of Roger Angell's fantastic essay over at The New Yorker.