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Friday Roundup: Massachusetts Sailing Casual

The pool at Starkey. Photo courtesy of Dave Cook via SmugMug.

The pool at Starkey. Photo courtesy of Dave Cook via SmugMug.

Water rights done right: Bottled water has taken a beating in the press lately (and not without good, Chinatown-esque reasons), but natural hot springs are a different species. Enter Starkey Spring Water. Sitting at the edge of Council, Idaho, Starkey is both high in temperature (132 degrees, straight out of the earth) and minerals (silica, mostly), so the FDA tends to clamp down on the recommended amount a consumer should actually drink. Which is a shame, as Starkey is not only super-tasty, with a great "mouth feel," but also the home of a historic, rare, and public swimming pool filled with their fresh, heated spring water. (Think of taking a dip in a pool filled with bottled water, sans chlorine or guilt). Add in the fact that their new plant employs 16 locals out of the tiny, mountain town and you've got a three-element recipe for success...

...which is all a segue way, I suppose, into relaying Siggy, my, and the Oliver Russell crew's recent trip up to Council to witness Starkey's bottle plant dedication. We took pictures and the random #uglyvideoselfie, we toured the bottling plant, we drank fantastic coffee from the Allegro Coffee FLEXBUS, and we camped at nearby Cold Springs Campground, with plenty of beer in the coolers and Los Campos chicken on the grill.

Bills, Bills, Bills: Currently luh-oving the most recent series of A.V. Undercover, particularly They Might Be Giants' cover of Destiny's Child and Wild Cub's take on "Crazy in Love."

BYOT (Bring Your Own Trilby): Wishing Siggy and I had an extra $5,000 to spend on a private concert by Ringo Starr, a dinner party in a world-famous wine cellar, or one of a dozen other high-rolling auction items at the annual Idaho Shakespeare Festival fundraising gala. We mayn't have the pocketbook to match, but our "Massachusetts Sailing Casual" togs helped us blend in with the Boise-patron-of-the-arts crowd. Also: we found the time to film another #uglyvideoselfie with the smart, stunning, and ever-serious Renee Vomocil.